We have been busy!! And I am re-committing myself to writing more often to keep up with our activities. Since our last blog post, Whitney has started college at University of Arizona and is on her way to completing her freshman year. : ) Nathan has turned 15, Nevan has turned 12, and Silvio turned 10 while we were in NJ!
Silvio has spent the past 8 months digging Cake Boss and The Next Great Baker and experimenting with cooking/baking. He even baked his own birthday cake! He has also been enjoying the Homeschool Science Classes at AZ Science Center every month, and is currently participating in AZ Homeschool Theater in the Alice in Wonderland production...he will be performing as a Card Soldier. He is missing horseback riding, though, so we are about to start lessons again. : )
Nevan has his plate full. He is also performing in this season's production of Alice in Wonderland as The Gryphon. He has a scene with the Mock Turtle and actually will be singing/rapping and doing a little jig. ; ) He is also attending Eagleridge this semester 2x a week, taking an Improv Comedy Class with a final performance coming up in April, and has just joined a new Club Ball Baseball Team called the Rawlings Grinders. He plays for USSSA. Practices, league games, and tournaments keep us on the go all week.
Nathan was able to spend his Spring Break skiing!! His favorite past time! And Whitney spent her Spring Break in San Francisco!
Justin and I spent most of Spring Break tilling and seeding our spring garden. We have planted tomatoes, zucchini, strawberries, cilantro, watermelon, and moved our artichoke plants to a different spot. We found out we have a Brazilian Pepper Tree in our yard! : ) Nice surprise. We thought it was an overgrown bush....very overgrown now, the dogs actually make forts underneath to hide from the sun. We were pleasantly surprised when a permaculture friend of ours, Don Titmus of Bee Oasis/Four Directions Permaculture, confirmed it was a spice plant...white/red peppercorn. Nice! Justin loves pepper! I just need to go out and buy a pepper mill so we can begin harvesting our own peppercorns.
We are going to re-landscape our property with permaculture design principles in mind. Back in August (and one of the reasons why I fell of the side of the earth for a while) I took a Permaculture Design Course with the Phoenix Permaculture Guild. I am now certified to do Permaculture Design and looking forward to using my new skills to transform our Trinacria Farms into an organic farm and holistic learning center (very small scale). We plan on planting more fruit trees, nut trees, more veggies, and herbs...and plan on offering permaculture for kids projects/workshops...and of course, permaculture design as a home based business. Website for Trinacria Farms coming soon!
Concurrently I have been involved in Self Design Learning Consultant Training program since August. (reason #2 I fell off the side of the earth)
You can find out more on Self Design here: www.selfdesign.com
Essentially, Self Design is a process of discovery...it is how we design our lives, living and learning...what do the kids enjoy doing? what is their passion? Silvio likes to bake and ride horses. Nevan loves comedy and baseball. How do we support what they love to do and help them find the resources they need to accomplish their goals? What do Justin and I like to do? How do we balance what WE like to do with what the kids want to experience? There are only so many hours in a day. The Self Design Team headed by Brent Cameron, flew into Tempe in February for a series of fabulous weekend workshops at ASU's Local to Global Justice Teach In and marked the midway point in our training. One more collaboratory training session in B.C. this July and God willing I will be a Certified Learning Consultant by end of summer. Income generating Home based endeavor #2!
And last but not least...my 3rd Home Based Business of the year...drum roll please....Scentsy!!! I had so much fun organizing Nevan's baseball team fundraiser back in January that I decided to become a Scentsy Consultant. My new website: https://lizbethrizzo.scentsy.us I am wrapped up in warm fragrant scents every day and don't have to worry about wicks/fire. My boys love FIRE. Every time I lit a candle it was playtime for the boys. All their curiosities came leaping up...what happens if we put pine needles in the flame? what happens when I stick my finger in the melted wax? How many of mom's incense sticks can we light at once with a single candle flame? I love candles, but it was becoming stressful for me to keep them lit in the house for worry about what the boys were going to try next. Now, with Scentsy Wickless, I can melt scented wax, my home smells like I have been burning candles or baking all day and I have no worries. ; )
We have also travelled to CA for Sarah's 1st Birthday!! To Las Vegas to visit Uncle Sal and Olga!! Had holiday fun with the Rizzo Clan in December/January. Justin's mom and Aunt Barb came to visit in January and we celebrated Nevan's birthday and Barb's birthday together. We look forward to more family visits. : )
Tomorrow we are planting seeds in recycled, reusable, biodegradable household items for our homeschooling group's science co-op. Then we are off to Alice in Wonderland rehearsals. Will post photos soon!