Friday, September 5, 2008


The boys are both enrolled in classes at Eagleridge this year. This is a homeschool enrichment program hosted by the Mesa Public Schools. It has been a wonderful resource for us during my recovery. I was very relieved, actually, when both boys said they wanted to take classes there. I was feeling a little guilty for not being able to do as much with them as I have done in the past. This broken leg really did put a cramp in my home schooling style. ; ) Nevan attends 3 days a week. Silvio attends 2 days a week. And I have been able to squeeze in all my PT appts. on the days they have classes. It works out nicely. I wish Gilbert district also offered a similar program. So, this semester, Nevan is in 4th grade and taking Election 2008, Logical Problem Solving, Spanish, Chess, PE, Virtual Field Trip (geology), The Election of Thomas Jefferson vs. John Adams, Scrapbook Journaling, Accelerated Reading, Kids Take the Stage, Sail America (colonial history), LEGO Building Machines and Aerobics. He has a pretty full schedule, bless his heart. And he will start his next baseball season soon. Which means, 3 practices a week, plus games on Saturday. Silvio is in 2nd grade and doesn't get to pick his classes like Nevan does. 3rd grade is the milestone year that students can choose their own schedule, so Silvi is excited for next year. They both chose to do a 3rd session of the Historical Drama class offered by ASU Herberger College for Kids. They love it! I, for one, am grateful that they have these opportunities while I recover. Much more fun for them to be hanging with friends, than home with me schlepping to physical therapy, orthopedics, and whatnot. The nice thing about Eagleridge is that it has a flex schedule. It is just 2-3 days a week. And the classes are multiage and geared towards grouping kids by interest, instead of by physical age. Nevan has been getting more out of the classes because of this. Most of the students in his classes WANT to be there and enjoy the subjects. Big plus. : )

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