Monday, March 16, 2009

Home Education Network of AZ (HENA) Conference

This year's HENA Conference had a slightly different flavor than last year. There were less attendees and not as many playshops/workshops for the kids, yet the kids had a wonderful time. Our home ed group hosted a LEGO Activity room, which we shared with the Yoga/Movement instructor. It was pretty quiet on our end of the hall, with most of the kids hanging out in the Video Game room. The highlights at the conference for our family were: Nevan's Aladdin performance, Geocaching, Henna tattoos....and Justin hosting a Roundtable Discussion for Homeschooling Dads. I was not able to listen to any of the speakers/presentations this year due to our commitment to provide the LEGO Activity room....but it was fun to watch the kids enjoying their time with friends and Justin having the opportunity to connect with other homeschooling dads to talk about the issues that come up for dads specifically. I was able to pick up some wonderful science resources that will help with Nevan's current penchant for science experiments. These will be a great addition to our collection of science related resources. Nevan has chosen a DNA experiment for our Science Club activity in April. Should be interesting. Maybe we should think about providing some play/workshops for the kids next year...hmmmm.....

1 comment:

Evvie Turley said...

Loved the post about all your home school adventures. Too cool!