Tuesday, February 24, 2009

In keeping with the rhythm of the new moon today...Nevan has decided to let go of some activities/classes that are not matching his needs right now and shifting some activities to different days. We have updated his Self Design map, in which he identifies the activities/learning opportunities that are important to him and that which he would like to focus his time on at the moment. He is going to shorten his T/TH Eagleridge days by starting at 11 am, instead of 9 am... that will also help with his new baseball schedule. Baseball practices with his new East Valley Baseball League are going to be on the same days as Eagleridge classes which would make for a very long day/night. Currently on Nevan's plan: Spanish, Science (he wants to do chem experiments), PE (he wants to run Track), Geography, Math, Pioneer History, Adobe Photoshop, Band(percussion), and Baseball. Looks like we will do Math and Geography as part of our home ed co-op/field trip days on Mondays, and Science during home ed co-op on Fridays, and the rest will be taken at ER or EVBL. So I'm off to schedule a field trip the Snyder's Pretzel Factory and research chemistry experiments that are non explosive! Well, we could always do those outside. : )

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